Etza Meisyara (Indonesia)
(b.1991, Bandung) Etza Meisyara is a multimedia artist, a Fine Arts graduate at the Bandung Institute of Technology, who is concerned with the issue of conversion, which is studied, in the artistic dimension relating to science and technology. Her works are often sounds, installations, performance, and visual arts. She is the recipient of the Young Creator (2nd Winner) award from Tokyo Design Week 2015. She has often participated in exhibitions or multimedia performances at national and international levels. She joined residency in some cities in Europe such as Paris and London that expand her practices and issues to migration, home and belonging, also questions of borders and community.
Etza has joined many exhibition such as ArtJog (2019), Indonesian Women Artists: Into the Future (2017), women artist exhibition at Gadjah Gallery, Yogyakarta. Her solo exhibition was held in 2018, titled “Passing By” in Lawangwangi Arts Space in Bandung, Indonesia.